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    Stories,  Trending

    What’s the Point: How to be a Conscious Consumer in the Era of Misinformation

    In light of the upcoming election and the divides we have seen in the United States this year, we asked our readers to send in questions for Professor Michael Longinow, chair of the Department of Digital Journalism and Media at Biola University. Question 1: How can we encourage others to be conscious consumers of media? Leadership by example is the best approach. Don’t preach at people about what they read, watch or listen to. Show them what’s best by being wise in how we approach news and information.  When we use the word “media,” it means many things to many people. And it’s generational. Those under 25 tend to see…

  • Stories,  Trending

    What’s the point of the Electoral College?

    Written by Tim Seeberger President Donald Trump stunned the world when he defeated Hillary Clinton in the general election. Shocking many media outlets and democratic voters, Trump won 270 of the 538 electoral votes quite easily through gaining key swing states early on. Although the Republican candidate won the electoral vote, Trump lost the popular vote by over 2 million. Many Americans now question the legitimacy and need for the electoral college because of the disconnect between the popular vote opinion and the results of the Electoral College. With political tensions rising in the time after the collection the questions is: What’s the point of the Electoral College? The Electoral…